Week 15 turned out to be completely different from what we intended it to be. We had every intention to enjoy our last week of springbreak to the fullest, and then Tuur fell sick. From monday through friday we were fighting fever, keeping him as calm … Lees Meer
Week 14 was the first week of springbreak for us. The weather was slowly improving, even though it was still way too chilly to go outside. We had a busy, but fun week. The kids were in a good mood, and just had fun. * Week … Lees Meer
This is the third ruined pair in less than two weeks. Only two pairs left, one too small and one too large. Shopping time of you ask me. * Dit is al de derde gescheurde broek in minder dan drie weken. Maar twee paren meer over, … Lees Meer
Happy Sunday! Here we are again. Time for a new photo-a-day post, a new week is just around the corner. How was your week? This is ours. * Fijne zondag! ‘t Is weer zover. Tijd voor een nieuwe photo-a-day post, een nieuwe week staat alweer voor … Lees Meer
My pictures for this week aren’t of the best quality. We had dark and dreary weather, which makes it very difficult to make good pictures. Otherwise this week was not dreary at all, but an exciting one. Here is our week 9. * Mijn foto’s voor … Lees Meer
Week 8 was not the best and I’m glad it’s over. Picture wise it was not the worst however. Here’s our week. * Week 8 was niet de beste en ik ben blij dat ze voorbij is. Fotogewijs was ze echter nog niet zo slecht. Hier … Lees Meer
Week 7 was a difficult week for this project. I can feel I’ll have to kick this project up a notch to keep it up. Some days I just forget about it and then at the end of the week I always have to see if … Lees Meer
I had an important job interview in the morning. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news somewhere along this week. * Een belangrijk sollicitatiegesprek deze morgen. Duimen voor goed nieuws in de loop van deze week. Been shopping for a princess dress. Nora can dress up … Lees Meer
This week was a fun week, no doubt about that. Busy, as always. And rainy, windy, and damp. Nothing new about that. But it was a great one, with fun celebrations, and preparations of fun celebrations. A week to remember. * Dit was een heel erg … Lees Meer
Week 4 has been a lot like week 3. Big piles of snow, extreme cold temperatures, and just the ordinary every day. * Week 4 leek in veel opzichten op week 3. Een mooie hoeveelheid sneeuw, extreem koude temperaturen, en gewoon het leven van alledag. Nora … Lees Meer