Project Life 2015 | Week 15 – Becky Higgins DT

Geplaatst in: Becky Higgins, Project Life 0

Happy Monday! I’m trying very hard to get back into the swing of things. So here is week 15.

Project Life 2015 | Week 15 by Els Brigé for Becky Higgins DT


This was one of those weeks with not that much going on, and little good pictures to acccompagny the stories. But even those weeks are worthy of being documented, although this didn’t turn out to be one of my favorites design-wise.

Project Life 2015 | Week 15 by Els Brigé for Becky Higgins DT

I cut up a 4×6 card to make this week’s title card. The big ‘hello’ heart had been waiting for a good spot to reside, I think it’s happy there;)

Project Life 2015 | Week 15 by Els Brigé for Becky Higgins DT

On another cut up 4×6 card, I stamped this Neat & Tangled stamp, perfect for Project Life.

Project Life 2015 | Week 15 by Els Brigé for Becky Higgins DT

Week 15 was a week in our Easter break, and so there was time for some fun activities. One of my free afternoons, I took Tuur for a bikeride, while our Nora was attending a gym class. As Tuur is the second one in row, he never got much time to spend solo with me. So I try to take full advantage of moments like this.

Project Life 2015 | Week 15 by Els Brigé for Becky Higgins DT

The right side of the spread is a smaller page protector. A lot of this page got taken by journaling.

Project Life 2015 | Week 15 by Els Brigé for Becky Higgins DT

We spent a lot of time working in the garden, partly in preparation for Nora’s spring party that was coming a few weeks later. Each time we visit the garden center for plants and gardening supplies, we have to pass the animals in the shop. Around this time, the Easter chicks are impossible to just pass.

Project Life 2015 | Week 15 by Els Brigé for Becky Higgins DT

I’m happy that you stopped by! See you later!


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Project Life is een systeem om herinneringen bij te houden en een levensstijl, gecreëerd door Becky Higgins. Je kan er hier meer over lezen. Dit is mijn interpretatie van het project. Mijn eerdere Project Life posts kan je hier altijd bekijken. * Project Life is a memory keeping system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. You can read more about it here. This is my interpretation of the project. Check here to view my previous Project Life posts.

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