Free Holidays Cut Files

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I have something fun to share today. I’ve been playing with my Silhouette and made these fun cutfiles for the holidays.


They’re free and they’re yours to download and use if you want them (just clicks on the image above). Of course, I would love it if you linked back to my blog if you do. Enjoy!!


0 Responses

  1. Lizzy Hill
    | Beantwoorden

    Thanks Els – that’s really thoughtful & I have downloaded them….SOME won’t get used – obviously!!!!! But if I use the dates etc I’ll most certainly link back to you:):):)

  2. Lisca Meijer
    | Beantwoorden

    I have a CraftRobo. Would it work with that?

    • bestamped
      | Beantwoorden

      Hi Lisca,

      Sorry for my very late answer to your question. I’ve been searching around a bit online. I don’t think this silhouette file will work for your machine, but I can try to transfer it into a usable type of file for you. What type of file would be best for you?

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog!
      Els 😉

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