Free 2014 Calendar Printables

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Since it’s the time of the year for giving gifts, I too have a little gift for you today. It’s getting an annual tradition, at the end of the year I’m making some calendars for the new year. And I wanted to share the free printables of my 2014 calendars with you. Just like last year, I made two different formats, one is for a wall calendar like this one, the other one for a desk calendar like you’ll see here below.

Both formats can be downloaded for free, just by clicking the links below. I of course would appreciate it if you linked back to my blog when you use these files, so other people can come to download them as well.

free 2014 wall calendar – This calendar gets trimmed off at 15cm or 6″ width, and stays at full length.

free 2014 desk calendar part 1 + free 2014 desk calendar part 2 – Don’t forget to download both parts for the desk calendars. I trim these off at 10,5cm or 4 1/8″. Underneath you can see one of my examples for this year’s desk calendar.

Cover 2014 by Els Brigécover 2014 detail by Els BrigéJanuari 2014 by Els Brigéjanuary 2014 detail by Els BrigéFebruary 2014 by Els BrigéMarch 2014 by Els BrigéApril 2014 by Els BrigéMay 2014 by Els BrigéJune 2014 by Els BrigéJuly 2014 by Els BrigéAugust 2014 by Els BrigéSeptember 2014 by Els BrigéOctober 2014 by Els BrigéOctober 2014 detail by Els BrigéNovember 2014 by Els BrigéNovember 2014 detail by Els Brigédecember 2014 by Els BrigéDecember 2014 detail by Els Brigé

For the stand I just take an A4 or 8.5×11″ sheet of heavy weight cardstock and score it according to the following graphic. The small leftover strip on the right side is the part where the adhesive goes, to stick it all together.

desk calendar stand

Have fun with your printables! Be sure to share a link in the comments so I can come and check your calendars out!


0 Responses

  1. Margaret
    | Beantwoorden

    Love your calendar! Thanks for sharing the template and links.

  2. ~amy~
    | Beantwoorden

    sooooo fun Els!

  3. Gerdine
    | Beantwoorden

    Mooie kalender!

  4. MichelleB
    | Beantwoorden

    This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it!

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