It’s been a few days, but here I am again. With my 100th blog post already, AND with some super exciting news. I’m proud to announce that one of my creations is going to be published in a magazine within a matter of time!!!! I practically fell off my chair when reading the acceptancy e-mail. There isn’t much I can tell you about that right now, but I’ll keep you all updated (of course) when the issue is coming out.
Het is een paar dagen geleden, maar hier ben ik terug. Met mijn 100ste blog post, EN met heel spannend nieuws. Ik ben trots jullie te kunnen vertellen dat één van mijn creaties binnen afzienbare tijd zal gepubliceerd worden in een tijdschrift!!!!! Ik viel bijna van mijn stoel toen ik mijn e-mail las. Ik kan er nu niet zo veel over vertellen, maar ik houd jullie (natuurlijk) op de hoogte wanneer het nummer uit komt.
We had the most amazing weather here this weekend, so we’ve been spending almost all of my precious stamping time in our backyard enjoying the sun. And today’s project is worth about two and a half cards too. So I took my time. I have a card, inside and out, and a matching envelope for you.
Dit weekend was het weer echt fantastisch, dus hebben we mijn waardevolle stempeltijd in de tuin doorgebracht, genietend van de zon. En het project van vandaag is ook wel ruim twee kaarten waard. Dus nam ik mijn tijd. Ik heb een kaart, binnen en buiten afgewerkt, en een bijpassende envelop voor jullie.
I made this one with the current Embellish Magazine challenge in mind and used a sketch of this months’ Caardvarks challenge. That makes two in one.
Ik maakte deze met de huidige Embellish Magazine challenge in gedachten en gebruikte een schets van de Caardvarks challenge van deze maand. Twee in één dus.
The May challenge over at Inkurable Stampers is mail art. I was struggling quite a lot to just dress up an envelope. So I decided to make a card, and then create a matching envelope. No trouble at all!! Three in one.
De mei challenge van Inkurable Stampers is mail art. Ik had nogal problemen om een envelop op te tuigen zonder meer. Dus besliste ik een kaart te maken en een bijpassende envelop te creëren. Geen enkel probleem!! Drie in één.
Here’s a picture of the backside of the envelope. – Hier is een foto van de achterzijde van de envelop.
I’m sending a picture of my project in for Tim Holtz’ contest too. Four in one!! What a productive 100th blogpost – smile!
Ik stuur een foto van mijn kaart en envelop door naar Tim Holtz voor zijn wedstrijd ook. Vier in één!! Wat een productieve 100ste blogpost – smile!
Thanks for stopping by!! – Bedankt om eens langs te komen!!
Supplies: Stamps: Songbird – Prima Marketing, Communique Curves Sentiments – Papertrey Ink, Queen Bee – Pink Paisley, From the Garden – Fancy Pants Designs, Christmas Mint – SEI; Inks: Old Paper – Distress Ink, Ripe Avocado – Papertrey Ink; Misc.: Kraft cardstock – Bazzill Basics, cream & black cardstock – papicolor, string, buttons, envelope.
absolutely love the whole ensemble – i really like subtle colors better than the bright ones so this is just my idea of great!
What a gorgeous card!! This is really stunning! Good luck on all the challenges!! =)
Congrats on your 100th post & your pub!!!
Love your gorgeous card & matching envy!!
Super mooie, elegante kaart ! Heel mooie kleurencombinatie, knap werk !
Congrats on the PUB! I’m happy dancing for you! 🙂 And speaking of awesome cards- THIS ONE IS DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! I love how natural it is, and dang girl, you went all out! The inside and the envelope are just as beautiful as the card! I’m soooo impressed!!!
Michele Gross
This is amazing! I love the finished envelope too! Very Very Very pretty work! 🙂
Thank you Els! You’ve done it again, you inspire me sooooo much! I love the colours you’re using in these cards> They are so organic!! Beautiful!!
Proficiat met je 100ste blogpost! Deze enveloppes en kaarten zijn echt pareltjes!
Hi Els – loving this card/envelope set….. looks like you are moving up in the world 😉 Congratulations on the publication 🙂
Kirsty Vittetoe
Congratulations!!!! For your 100th blog and your very soon publication!!!! This is such a beautiful card, love it from head to toe, (I mean from card to envelope!) Thanks for stopping by to say hello, congrats once again, happy and excited for you!
Prachtig Els! Leuk detail ook op de achterkant van de envelop.
Gefeliciteerd met je naderende publicatie!!
Beautiful and so elegant mail art. Love it
congrats for your publication…love your mail art and card set
GOSH!! This is so beautiful!! What a great matching set!!
Congrats on your publication!! So happy for you!
Stunning card/envelope!! And congrats on your 100th post and publication – can’t wait to check it out!
Love the envelope, what a piece of art!
Dana F.
Congrats on your 100th post and of course on being published, too!! Very exciting 🙂 Good luck for the contest, the card and envelope look stunning!!
Ashley Cannon Newell
Amazing! Thanks so much for joining us in the Embellish Butterflies Challenge!
Charlene Austin
Yay You!!! Congrats on the pub and for making the What’s Hot Winning Embellish card!!!
Edna Morrisedie
Congrats on winning the Embellish Challenge with this card, lovely lovely!
Woo hoo, congrats for your Embellish win! You design is absolutely beautiful!
wow oh wow…. Congrats on your 100th post… I have done my 100th post.. but still a long way to go lol. Congrats on your publication!!!! 😀 and your win at Embellish..
Back to your card.. another wow oh wow.. a stampers dream. I love your work… very classy and beautiful. Love the card, the insides.. the envelope is simply gorgeous.. changed my mind about working too much on envelope… envelope like that is a keepsake.. only issue I hv here Kuala Lumpur, its teribbly expensive to get a decent evenlope and a quality one..
Wonderful work.. !!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosemarie Diehl
Congrats to you! Cheers to your 100th post, your pub AND your Embellish WIN!! This card is GORGEOUS!